Westview Youth Baseball

Westview Youth Baseball is committed to ensuring that all players, volunteers, coaches, umpires, and all people in and around Westview Youth Baseball are treated equally – with dignity and respect – regardless of race, color, creed, national origin or citizenship status, ancestry, religion, gender, sexual orientation, actual or perceived gender identity, physical or mental disability, age, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws. 

 Harassment and discrimination have no place within or around Westview Youth Baseball – we will work together to build a playing field of acceptance for all those involved in our beloved game. 

 Moreover, we are a volunteer led organization committed to building a unified road map for every youth baseball player from T-Ball through Middle School.  We pride ourselves in not only developing your child's baseball skills and knowledge, but also focus on the benefits of teamwork, hard work, dedication, and accountability.  Please email us (volunteer@westviewyouthbaseball.com) if you are interested in opportunities to help.

Dick's Sporting Goods websiteHillsboro Hops websiteWildwood Tap House website